This country needs different leadership. So does this much of this planet.
And if you’re a white male, you don’t qualify.
About four years ago I published a piece about the summer of 1992, when I was wrongfully arrested, and nearly went to prison, for something I didn’t do. I managed to escape the cogs of our malfunctioning American Justice System - but only because I was able to buy my innocence.
And also, because I am white.
The justice system very nearly crushed me. And had I been Black, it certainly would have crushed me, that I do not doubt. As you’ve just read, I had moments where is was in such disarray that I questioned my own sanity; my own ability to remember events. The town I was arrested in I’d never been to; the person who identified me in court I’d never met.
However - even in my most hopeless moments, when many of my personal freedoms and liberties had been curtailed, there is one thing I never lost. My privilege… to disappear into a sea of whiteness.
A friend of mine told me once that everyone gets nervous when a cop car pulls up behind them during a traffic stop. White folks are nervous because they don’t want a ticket. And Black Indigenous People Of Color are nervous because the don’t want to DIE.
You see, in my experience, I could still walk out of my railroaded funk into a world in which I had complete anonymity; no one looked at me and assumed I was an accused felon, out on bail and circling the drain of a trial and a prison sentence. No one shied away from me on the street. I could walk freely, drive while white, and no one was the wiser of my situation, and my pending criminal record. I was still free.
I was an accused felon being railroaded by the justice system, but out on the street? The world gave me a pass.
Did our country give a pass to a black man out for a jog? Not so much. An EMT asleep in her bed? Nope. A man allegedly passing a counterfeit bill? No, no, NO.
But I got a pass. And then, I got off.
The world that white leadership has built is broken for everyone except white males. I am living proof.
The system we live in here in America is geared TOWARDS white men, for a very simple reason: Because we built it that way. And if this system is going to change, really change, new leadership is needed, and white men cannot be invited.
Top-down change must be made by Black Indigenous People Of Color, based on what they go through every day, every minute. The new system must be built by people who fear for their lives in a simple traffic stop. A Person of Color can't walk into the world and have anonymity and safety; I can, and so can every single one of my white male brethren, no matter WHAT they have done. I can disappear into a world of whiteness and no one will assume anything of me. But a BIPOC cannot change the amount of melanin that they carry. They cannot disappear. Driving while black? Pull over please. Officer, what did I do? Just hand me your license and registration. And get out of the car.
Going forward, decisions now need to be made by the people who have LIVED this kind of oppression, and not simply by those who think they know what it means. If I’m lucky, I might assist by the virtue of having even a shard, even a modicum of empathy for what they are going through because of my experience. Or maybe I should just sit on the sidelines because white males have done ENOUGH.
Will this be easy? Absolutely not. There’s nothing more evil, sneaky, or dangerous than an angry white man. We are at the top of the devious pyramid. The proof is in the very system that we’ve built.
But I’ll be the first to put up the sign: