I've been on the road a lot.
I mean I haven't been on a national tour; but it certainly feels like I have been. 35 weeks of work last year. much of it on the road, and a chunk nearly that size in '15, mostly out of town - Long Island, Boston, Stockbridge, St. Louis.
Don't get me wrong: I. LOVE. WORKING. I love it so much that I say yes. I say yes to everything.
But maybe the time has come to say no. At least once.
This is a dilemma that every working actor runs into now and again; When you're blessed enough to work in our industry, 99% of the time you grab it. But then you begin realizing that no one back home recognizes you any more. You go to your gym down the street and the desk gal does a huge double take and shouts, "Where've you BEEN?"
I don't like dropping off the radar. But a J-O-B is a J-O-B, no?
Maybe not.
Maybe, in order to be 'in line' for the bigger jobs, every now and then, just every now and then, you need to say no to the first suitor at the door. I know it sounds a tad overzealous. But I'm ready to stay home for a while, and work in the good old NYC. As Actors we're taught never to say no; a yes in the scene usually leads to more wonder. So maybe instead of no, I'll just say...MAYBE.
Maybe. And I'll wait. And work.