All this sounds very highfalutin' - here I am, dispensing advice from the Mountaintop. But here's my truth: I had a huge test come my way a couple weeks ago... and failed it. Biffed. Belly-flopped miserably. So grit goes beyond a simple blue collar, "lunch pail" work ethic; because sometimes, the truth is that grit tastes terrible. Sometimes it grinds in your teeth, sticks to your tongue, makes you want to gag. Weeks ago I reacted to losing out on that great job like the Angry Young Man of 20 years ago, instead of the more mature person I thought I was. So grit also means means accepting that I acted like a total doofus when I got the "Sorry, it went the other way" call; seeing, in the hard light of day, that I really EFF'd that one, I made your case for the Douchebag of the Year Award - and now, it's time to retrench and try to learn (or re-learn) something, for Pete's sake. Grit also means that in the face of your own failures and foolishness, you extract what you can, then throw those events over your shoulder, leave them behind, and keep moving, doggedly.
I wouldn't call myself a yogi, but I do attempt a weekly class. And one thing I've noticed from my teachers is that yoga is always referred to as practice; you can never truly be 'finished'. I'm finding that the pursuit of the Artistic Life is the same - it has cyclical units, ups and downs, big tests and small - but within all that you are always, always practicing. Especially in live theatre; the nature of film & captured digital is that at some point you have to go to Final Cut and say that this is your 'product', but I don't know a single Actor or Director that believes that their cut was ever actually done... there was always something more to do. They simply ran out of time before deadline, and it was time to post.
Thus, my response in the Theatre to "Great show!" is usually, "It's coming along." I love being able to say that. A little better every day, never finished: Process, process, process.
So we should engage in this Process whenever possible, right? Here's a lesson: If you always need practice then you should always be practicing. And Self-Production is a huge part of that. What I mean by self-production is that we sometimes have the chance to be a part of Art that is set up by others, but what if every day were a chance to produce...something set up by ourselves? If we're Artistic Beings who are never 'done', we should continue the practice of creation no matter what, yes? We should, of course, make these: